I took 81 pictures! Man, I love digital cameras. I promise I won't post them all here. Just several of the best (I posted a few more over at my 365 blog).
Bandelier was home to Anasazi Pueblo people from 500 CE to 1500 CE, when the conquistadores arrived. Homes -- more like apartments -- were built against the cliff face, using vigas (beams) for ceiling supports. As time went by and more generations were born, the people just added new apartments above older ones. In some places you can see holes in the rock face where vigas were placed, for homes as many as three stories tall.
A view of some of the ruins from high up on the hills, where there were homes built into the cliff face. I think those ruins are of common space structures. They are next to the kiva, an underground room found in Anasazi ruins believed to have been
used for religious and community purposes.
Dan at the edge of the kiva ruins.
After hiking the main loop trail, thru the community ruins, we hiked up to Alcove House, which is a huge room apparently used for ceremonies, at the top of some very tall ladders, overlooking the entire valley. I didn't climb the ladder, but all the kids did - and they all really enjoyed the Alcove House.
It was a long walk -- we all needed a good rest when it was over.