Saturday, May 05, 2007

beast of burden

Today at the farm, Andy became Eliza's beast of burden. Andy had already been inside much of the day, when he wandered outside late in the afternoon. Dan & Scotty were on their bikes, and Gary saw that Andy had tied a rope from the wagon to his waist so he could haul Eliza along the driveway that circles the house.
Andy was actually running on the flat, straight stretch we could see. Here Eliza is in the wagon.

They upgraded to the pedal race car, which tended to get stuck on the cars as they passed. Andy got the car unwedged from Chris' work truck.

And off they go! Andy is running full steam and Eliza looks like she's having a grand time.
This shot was taken just before the race car ran off the driveway -- you can see it getting off-kilter -- rolled and tossed Eliza! She got scratched up but she'll be fine.

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