Saturday, June 13, 2009

Adventures with dry ice

Scotty was over for a couple of hours yesterday, and he brought some dry ice with him.

The boys had so much fun with it. They cut a hole in the top of a ziplok container to allow an opening for the fog to escape, filled it with water and got out the tongs for the dry ice.

They used the vapor stream to lift a bottle cap, a candy wrapper and to fill an inverted glass. Scotty mused about the possibilities for using dry ice vapor to power his steam engine, and explained that he's sure it would work since steam power is just about reaching the right pressure, to drive the pistons. He didn't have a solution for keeping the dry ice in a cold storage, but I'm sure he'll be trying to figure something out.

I took some pix, then a couple of videos at Scotty's insistence.

Scotty showing how pushing on the lid made puffs of vapor rise.

Chugging along in an unattended moment.

I apologize for the sideways video. I didn't realize we'd not be able to rotate it until about halfway thru, when I turned the camera. It has something of a Blair Witch quality to it, I'm sorry to say.

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