Friday, December 29, 2006

Meeting the neighbors

Shortly after we bought our house, my mother in law asked if the boys had made any friends among the neighbors. I replied that we had a met a few of the adult neighbors, but the kids were only seen on their way to and from school, and from what I could tell most spoke Spanish predominantly.

Really, our social life is busy enough, and the boys have enough friends, that we just hadn't had the opportunity to get to meet the kid neighbors here. Today, that changed -- it's snowing again and the boys spent about an hour outside. They shoveled the driveway and got into a snowball fight with the neighbor kids. With four kids across the street, they formed teams of three and had a great time. Andy told me he'd made a new friend, Alex, who speaks both English and Spanish. I had to run out and get pictures of more snowplay.

You'll notice that in today's pictures, the boys started out dressed for the weather. Okay, Andy is still in shorts, but the socks he chose give full coverage to his legs. And Dan is wearing his snow boots, bought last winter when we had no real snow and a perfect fit this winter.

Here's the whole gang, near the end of the snowball festivities

Dan running across the street to meet up with the rest of the kids

Andy with his teammates in the snowball fight

Andy throwing a snowball across the street at Dan

Dan with a huge snowball, ready to throw it across the street

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